Klenico Me

This MVP web application provides users with an online mental health check. With this comprehensive yet simple overview of their mental health, users can recognise possible symptoms and learn more about their symptoms. If a mental health condition is suspected, they'll also receive specific, medical support from a therapist.


Digital Product Design Lead



Empowering Mental Health: Designing an supportive and User-Friendly Web App

The user journey begins with a 20-30 minute self-assessment check, leading to a detailed, interactive assessment report. Users are also given access to a Mental Health Guide with scientifically-backed tips and recommendations. Designing the web app for mental health evaluation, special attention was given to the user group's need for a positive and motivating experience. This was achieved through a careful selection of tone of voice and color choices.

Turning ideas in impactful digital experiences.

© 2024 Géro Design

Turning ideas in impactful digital experiences.

© 2024 Géro Design

Turning ideas in impactful digital experiences.

© 2024 Géro Design