
Oyoun's rooms offer a versatile space. They are suitable for a wide range of events such as concerts, readings, performances or conferences. Through its booking platform, Oyoun also aims to ensure that the event finds the ideal setting that embodies both the spirit of inclusivity and the essence of creative expression.


Digital Product Design Lead



Designing for Diversity: Oyoun's Tailored Booking Platform

Oyoun's booking platform was to accommodate different user roles: managers, employees and external users. The design process involved building the interface from scratch. For managers, the interface provided a comprehensive view for overseeing bookings and events. Staff users had access to tools for day-to-day management and customer interaction. External users, such as event organisers or attendees, experienced the web application for browsing and booking events. This multi-perspective approach ensured that the platform was versatile, efficient and accessible to all user groups.

Turning ideas in impactful digital experiences.

© 2024 Géro Design

Turning ideas in impactful digital experiences.

© 2024 Géro Design

Turning ideas in impactful digital experiences.

© 2024 Géro Design